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Journal of Soils and Crops was started during June 1991 having frequency Half Yearly and run by Association of Soils and Crops Research Scientists, Nagpur. Dr. R.D Deotale is the Editor-in-Chief and Secretary of the Journal.

Prof. D.B. Matte
Dr. R. D. Deotale
Dr. N.N. Khune
Dr. G.N. Bobde
Prof. B.K. Sharnagat

Dr. K.K. Thakare
Prof. Y.D. Deotale
Prof. N.V. Sorte
Prof. U.R. Vishwakarma
Prof.C.N. Chore
Prof. D. B. Matte
Prof. U. R. Vishwakarma
Dr. R. D. Deotale
Prof. Y. D. Deotale
Joint Secretary

Dr. N. N. Khune
Executive Members
Prof. N.V. Sorte
Executive Members
Dr. G.N. Bobde
Executive Members
  • First author of the research/ review article, short communication will be solely responsible for any legality involved in its publication. Association of Soils and Crops Research Scientists, Nagpur (MS) will not be responsible for plagiarism and geniuses of the data if suspected by any person.
  • Editorial/Peer Review members can not use unpublished data/information for their personal advantage and information should not be disclosed from submitted article to others without written consent from authors.
  • Ideas obtained by Editor/Peer Review members from article/manuscript will be kept confidential. If information is disclosed Editor/Peer Review Committee member will be solely responsible for any legality involved in submitted article. Association of Soils and Crops Research Scientists will not be responsible for any legality arises.
  • Author should note that article submitted for publication must be original and must not have been submitted to any other journal.Content should not be Artificial Intelligence(AI) generatd
  • Author should be retained original data for a reasonable time after publication of article .The original data should be provided by first author if any legality arises and he/she will be solely responsible for the data provided.
  • After receiving comments from Editor/Peer Review member Editor-in-Chief has full authority whether to publish article/paper or not. He will decide timing of publication also.
Note :
Peer Review members can not use unpublished data/information for their personal advantage and information should not be disclosed from submitted article to others without written consent from authors.
Ideas obtained by Peer Review members from article/manuscript will be kept confidential. If information is disclosed Peer Review Committee member will be solely responsible for any legality involved in submitted article. Association of Soils and Crops Research Scientists will not be responsible for any legality arises.
After receiving comments from Peer Review member Editor-in-Chief has full authority whether to publish article/paper or not. He will decide timing of publication also.

Dr. R. D. Deotale
Ex.Professor, Dept. of Agril. Botany, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Dr. PDKV, Akola
Mail : rajeshdeotale11@gmail.com
Dr A.D.Raj
Associate Professor,Dept. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural
University, Bharuch, Gujarat Mail : adraj@nau.in
Dr. Satish B. Aher
Scientist B, ICMR-National Institute for Research in Environmental Health (NIREH), Bhauri,Bhopal (MP)
Mail : satishbaher@yahoo.com
Dr.Rakesh Kumar
Associate Professor Agronomy, P.G. Dept. of Agriculture, Khalsa College, Amritsar, Punjab
Mail : rakeshvirgo@yahoo.co.in
Dr. Anil Kumar
Senior Scientist, Dept. of Soil Science and Water Management, College of Horticulture and Forestry, Neri, Hamirpur, (HP)
Mail : Adhiman17@rediffmail.com
Dr. Sandeep R. Kamdi
Asstt. Professor and Mustard Breeder, AICRP on Linseed and Mustard, College of Agriculture, Nagpur(MS)
Mail : sandeepkamdi@gmail.com
Dr.Prasad S Burange
Asstt.Professor, Dept. of Entomology, College of Agriculture, PAU, Ludhiyana
Mail : prasadburange@yahoo.com

Dr. S. R. Potdukhe
Associate Professor,
Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Dr. PDKV, Akola
Mail : subhashpotdukhe@gmail.com
Prof. P.M.Sankhla
Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Bharuch-392012, Gujarat
Mail : pmsankhla@nau.in
Dr. Shanti R. Patil
Professor (CAS), Dept. of Agril. Botany,College of Agriculture,Nagpur
Mail : shantipatil2007@rediffmail.com
Prof. Atul Dnyaneshwar Bobdey
Professor and Head, Department of Zoology, SSES Amt's Science College, Congress Nagar, Nagpur-12.
Mail : dratul.bobdecy@gmail.com
Prof. Prabhakar Ramesh Bhandari
Associate Professor and Head, Dcpartment of Microbiology, Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
Mail : prbhandari02@gmanl com
Dr. Rupali Hemant Mahakhode
Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, SSES Amt's Science College, Congress Nagar, Nagpur-12
Mail : rupali.mahakhode@gmail.com
Dr. Pushkar Pandurang Wankhede
Associate Professor,Department of Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Nagpur-440001
Mail : wankhadepp@gmail.com
Dr. Vikas Pali
Assistant Professor/Scientist,Discipline- Genetics & Plant Breeding,Agricultural Research Station, Anand Agricultural University, Muvaliya Farm, Dahod- 389160
Mail : drvikaspali@aau.in
Dr. Senjam S. Jinus
Associate Dean, School of Horticulture, Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Institute of Agriculture Sciences, Utlou, Bishnupur, Manipur-795134
Mail : singhsenjam@gmail.com
Dr. Mary N. Odyuo
Associate Professor,Department of Agricultural Extension and Education School ofAgricultural Sciences, Nagaland University-797106
Mail : maryodyuo@nagalanduniversity.ac.in
Dr. H.R. Jadav
Scientist (Plant Protection), Krushi Vigyan Kendra (ICAR), Navsari Agricultural University, Panvadi, Vyara-394650 District- Tapi, Gujarat, India
Mail : email : hrjadav@nau.in
Note :
Editorial members can not use unpublished data/information for their personal advantage and information should not be disclosed from submitted article to others without written consent from authors.
Ideas obtained by Editorial members from article/manuscript will be kept confidential. If information is disclosed Editorial Committee member will be solely responsible for any legality involved in submitted article. Association of Soils and Crops Research Scientists will not be responsible for any legality arises.
After receiving comments from Editorial member Editor-in-Chief has full authority whether to publish article/paper or not. He will decide timing of publication also.
Dr. R. D. Deotale
Ex.Professor, Dept. of Agril. Botany, College of Agriculture, Nagpur, Dr. PDKV, Akola
Official E-mail : rajeshdeotale@pdkv.ac.in
Personal E-Mail : E-Mail: rajeshdeotale11@gmail.com

Associate Editors

Professor & Head, Dept. of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, UASD, Vijayapur
Official E-Mail : babaladhb@uasd.in
Personal E-mail : babaladhb@uasd.in

Dr. Jagdish Prasad
Principal Scientist (Retd), Division of Soil Resource Studies, ICAR-National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Amravati Road, Nagpur - 440033
Official E-Mail : jprasad57@gmail.com
Personal E-mail : jprasad57@gmail.com
Mobile : 9421748293

Dr. A.K. Singh
Associate Professor, Dept. of Agril. Chem. & Soil Sci., School of Agril. Sci. & Rural Development, Nagaland
(Central) University, Medziphema, Nagaland
Official E-mail : ak.singh@nagalanduniversity.ac.in
Personal E-Mail: aksingh_1967@yahoo.co.in

Dr. Ashish Lambat
Associate Professor, Sevadal Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur
Official E-Mail : ashish.lambat@vmsindia.org
Personal E-Mail : lambatashish@gmail.com

Shamarao Jahagirdar
Professor of Plant Pathology, AICRP on Soybean, University of Agril. Sci. Dharwad
Officail E-mail : jahgiradars@uasd.in
Personal E-Mail : shamaraoj@gmail.com

Dr. Akshay Talukdar
Principal Scientists, Division of Genetics, ICAR , New Delhi
Official E- mail : atalukdar@iari.res.in
Personal E-Mail : akshay.talukdar1@gmail.com

Dr. A.K. Srivastava
Principal Scientists(Soil Sci.) , ICAR Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur
Official E- mail : anoop.srivastava@icar.gov.in Personsal E-Mail : Aksrivas2007@gmail.com

Dr. N. Lakpale
Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Krishak Nagar Raipur (C.G.)
Official E-mail : lakpalen2007@rediffmail.com
Personal E-Mail : lakpalen2007@gmail.com

Dr. K. Karthikeyan
Senior Scientist (Soil Science)
Department of Soil Resource Studies, ICAR-NBSS & LUP, Amravati Road, Nagpur(MS)-440033
Official E-mail : k.karthikeyan@icar.gov.in
Personal E-Mail : mailtokarthik77@gmail.com
Dr. S. B. Patil
Senior Scientist (Agronomy)
AICRP for Dryland Agriculture
Regional Agricultural Research Station, Vijayapura,
UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka
Official E-mail : patilsbl3617@uasd.in
Personal E-Mail : sbpatil84@gmail.com